I've talked to a number of aspiring writers who have great ideas for what they want to write. Whether they want to blog or a novel, I have heard many concepts that seem to me to have great potential. I would genuinely love to read them!
The problem frequently seems to be a matter of following through on the ideas and actually putting the proverbial (or literal) pen to paper. Many writers get hung up on making an idea perfect in their head before they will start writing. Others fear failure, and hope to maintain the ideal of what could be, rather than run the risk of sullying it by making it what is. You can't fail if you don't try, right?
But if what you really want is to have your story told, your ideas shared, then you've failed if you've held it inside.
So just start! Making it perfect is what re-writes and editing are for. Take that first step and then begin to flesh it out. It's scary, but it's worth it.
And remember always that writing isn't something we all do the same way.
You might be an outline person, ready to bust out a word cloud and go to town on some bullet points. Or you might be more like me and need to just start with story and work on structure once you have a better idea of who your characters are and what you're dealing with.
Maybe, for you, starting with a pen and a notebook will allow the ideas to flow more smoothly. Or perhaps you prefer typing from the get-go, even going full-on hipster and grabbing a typewriter. Or you might try dictating/narrating and seeing if that helps get things going.
However you do it, find your process and do it your own way. Just make sure you actually do it!