Several weeks ago, I posted the first chapter of the science-fiction book I've been writing. This is a preview from later in the book.
“Captain,” said Hanai, “I have an incoming message for you from Director Wu’s office.”
“Put it onscreen,” ordered Reid.
The viewscreen resolved into an image of a middle-aged man.
“Deputy Director Price,” said Reid, “what can I do for you?”
“Captain Reid, the director is dispatching Phoenix, along with Leviathan and Horus to Foxtrot. We have received reports of rioting in Pioneer City. There doesn’t appear to be any rebel involvement, so we don’t expect significant resistance. Please get underway immediately and quell the disruption.”
“Yes, sir,” said Reid before Price’s visage faded from the screen. “Rahim, coordinate with Leviathan and Horus to set a rendezvous point in the Foxtrot system, and then send the coordinates to the pilot’s station. Val, once you have them, set a course and punch it. Mister Nakamatsu, bring weapons systems online. Jed, you have the bridge; I’ll be briefing the PKs. Lieutenant Thomas, you’re with me.”
Reid waited for the chorus of acknowledgements before heading forward to the briefing room, followed closely by the PK commander.
The briefing room was full of 16 Peacekeepers and their lieutenant. Each UE ship carried a complement of PKs, who served a variety of functions, from shipboard security to police personnel to ground troops. It was in that latter capacity they were to be deployed today, most of them for the first time. There simply hadn’t been much need for soldiers in the years since the formation of the UE. But with the rebellion on the upswing and rioting in cities across the UE, the need had arisen. Reid looked at his men and, though he knew they were all well trained, wondered whether they were truly up to this. Then he wondered whether that misgiving might be a projection on his part. Jed would probably have something to say about that, but he wasn’t here now and there wasn’t time besides. Reid called the PKs to order and laid out what they should expect upon arrival at Foxtrot.
Two hours later, Phoenix, Leviathan and Horus were in orbit around Foxtrot. Shuttles from all three ships were on their way to the surface with their respective squads of PKs. Captains Reid and Hart landed as well, leaving Captain Eliopoulos to serve as overwatch.
Within twenty minutes, it was over.
Deputy Director Price’s expectations of limited resistance turned out to be understated. As soon as the UE shuttles touched down, many of the rioters scattered. Those that remained turned on the PKs and threw whatever they had at the disembarking soldiers, to little effect. When the PKs started firing tear gas and pellets into the crowd, any and all resistance collapsed. Most ran, others simply sat or lay in the street, signaling their unwillingness to bring further pain upon themselves. Eliopoulos ordered these arrested, but ordered no pursuit of those fleeing the scene. Aside from a little bruising and a sprained ankle, there were no casualties among the PKs. One allergic reaction to the tear gas—easily treated by Doc Monte—and some welts from the pellet guns were the only damage to the rioters.
“Where were the PKs stationed dirtside?” Reid asked Thomas in the aftermath.
“They’d deserted,” said the lieutenant.
“Yes, sir. They’ve largely taken up with the rebels here. The few who remained in the government plaza didn’t feel they could sufficiently engage the rioters, which is why no one was out when we arrived. All UE personnel are holed up in the governor’s residence.”
“Oh,” said the captain. He really didn’t know what else to say. He knew, of course, that there had been desertions across the UE. Hell, that’s the only reason he was captain. But for an entire planetary Peacekeeper detachment to have rebelled made this all seem suddenly much larger.
Back aboard Phoenix, Reid had Hanai put in a call to the PK director’s office. Once again, Deputy Director Price’s face filled the screen. Reid filled Price in on the disposition of the conflict, at which the senior officer smiled.
“With no PKs to speak of left on Foxtrot, what are our orders?” asked Reid.
“We will send Jiaolong and Heimdallr with replacement PKs and have them remain to patrol the area. I want Phoenix, Leviathan and Horus back at their regular patrols now,” said Price.
“Understood,” said Reid, signaling Hanai to end the transmission.
“Mister Nakamatsu, you have the bridge. Jed, with me,” Reid said, leading the way to his office off the starboard side of the bridge.
“Jed,” Reid began once they were safely behind the soundproof doors, “I don’t like what just happened.”
“What do you mean?” asked his friend.
“Why did the director send three ships for this? It seems more than a little excessive. Were we here as a show of force? That’s hardly in line with UE operating procedure. And why were we authorized to use lethal force? There was nothing big going on here. No one was in any real danger.”
“You’ve answered your own questions,” Kosmenko observed. “What do you want me to say?”
“Tell me I’m seeing this clearly. Tell me this isn’t okay. Tell me I’m not crazy or disloyal to ask questions here.”
“Okay. You are, it isn’t, and you’re not.”
“Gee, thanks, I feel all better. Come on, this is hard! I’ve spent my whole life rejecting the rebellious, embracing order and justice. You can’t just expect me to turn my back on it now.”
“Would you be? Turning your back on justice? Is this justice?”
“I don’t know, Jed. I really don’t.”